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Class Description:


Power Vinyasa Yoga Level 1: This class has an emphasis on breath, strength and flexibility. In Vinyasa yoga, breath is linked to movement, which builds heat in the body and calms the central nervous system while detoxifying the body. This moderately paced class is a great complement to running, bootcamp, cardio, spinning and circuit training.




10 class pass: $120 


5 class pass: $60


Drop in/ 1 class pass: $15

Christy first came to her mat for the physical benefits she would receive but after her first class realized there is also a mind/body connection to yoga and was hooked. After practicing yoga for 6 years, she felt teacher training would be a natural progression to her yoga practice. In 2013, Christy became certified to teach power vinyasa yoga with CorePower Yoga in Minneapolis. She enjoys sharing her love of yoga with her students and making her classes accessible to everyone.

Christy is grateful for her supportive teachers, the many people in her life, and for the ability to be able to practice yoga.



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